Another bout of obsessive piecing for the Sampler Swap (see below). I made seven of these Golden Samovar blocks over the last couple of days. They're from Once More Around the Block by Judy Hopkins.

Some more stars and "stars" I have in mind to make:
Amish Star
Martha Washington Star
Sarah's Choice
Foxy Grandpa
Grandmother's Choice
Autumn Hues (tho of course not in autumnal hues :-)
Ohio Star
Ribbon Star
So far none of them are foundation pieced, but i'd like to do some down the line. One reason i decided to do this project was just to test out and practice different blocks and techniques.
Blue is my favorite colour and I love your blue stars. Do you have a plan for them?
Thank you! Yes, they're for a sampler swap. You can see the guidelines in the post below this one, if you're interested :-)
10" are the size after sewing the blocks? Your blocks look beautiful. Thanks for the guides for the star patterns.
I'm glad you like them.
These are 9" but I'm planning to augment them with 1/2 inch of border all around. I figure different sized stars will be interesting, plus many of the patterns I liked didn't have a 10" variation.
And yes, I mean 10" after sewing, i.e. 10.5" with seam allowances.
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